Happy Aging package
- Indications of accelerated aging
- The level of oxidative stress, or “pollution” in your body
- The increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
- The increased risk of developing other chronic diseases
- Your body’s antioxidant capacity
- The accumulation of free radicals
- Your body’s fatty acid balance
- Indications of chronic inflammation
- Your body’s glucose (or sugar) metabolism
The package includes:
coenzyme Q10, oxidised LDL (low-density lipoprotein), homocysteine, superoxide dismutase, glucose, insulin, ferritin, vitamin B12 (holotranscobalamin or the active form), vitamin A, vitamin B9 (folate), analysis of fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6).
Price 495€
See other diagnostics:
Vitamins and minerals
The levels of the ten essential minerals and seven vitamins in your body
Heavy metal screening
The levels of the 21 most common potentially toxic heavy metals in your body