Happy Aging package



  • Indications of accelerated aging
  • The level of oxidative stress, or “pollution” in your body
  • The increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
  • The increased risk of developing other chronic diseases
  • Your body’s antioxidant capacity
  • The accumulation of free radicals
  • Your body’s fatty acid balance
  • Indications of chronic inflammation
  • Your body’s glucose (or sugar) metabolism

The package includes:

coenzyme Q10, oxidised LDL (low-density lipoprotein), homocysteine, superoxide dismutase, glucose, insulin, ferritin, vitamin B12 (holotranscobalamin or the active form), vitamin A, vitamin B9 (folate), analysis of fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6).

Price 495€

See other diagnostics: