Nutritional therapy


Our health and wellbeing largely depends on our lifestyle, and a major part of that has to do with nutrition, which affects our gut health and digestion, and therefore our whole body.

How to make the right nutritional choices that support the body or help solve potential issues? A nutritional therapist can provide advice on a wide range of concerns, from minor issues such as dry skin, insomnia or fatigue, to more serious concerns such as menstrual or digestive disorders, arthritis or depression, as well as weight problems. Unlike a nutritionist, a nutritional therapist treats the root causes of health problems, uses nutrition to address metabolic changes, and can prescribe specific diets for specific health conditions. Nutritional therapy often involves taking various analyses and tests for additional information, which the therapist uses to establish an individual nutritional plan.

Nutritional therapy takes a detailed, scientific and individual approach to health based on the client’s previous life stages, genetic conditions, medications, food supplements, sleep behaviour, stress, daily diet and much more. Nutritional therapy can act as preventive therapy as well as supportive therapy for health problems that have already manifested. Our body is not only our physical presence, it is a site for much more than that: our emotions, psychology and physiology.

Our nutritional therapist at the Happy Aging clinic is Marianne Grechko, who before joining our team spent five years working in nutritional therapy in London. During her professional practice, Marianne has given nutritional therapy consultations in London’s most exclusive clinics, such as Grace Belgravia and the Sarah Chapman Skin Clinic. In addition, she has seven years of experience working as a nutritional therapist in a British company that produces quality nutritional supplements.

The main health concerns that Marianne has treated include women’s health, skin health, and conditions relating to the nervous system and gut health.

During the consultation, the nutritional therapist will work with you to establish the right diet and lifestyle plan, which will be fine tuned based on the results.

Correcting your diet is a longer process and calls for more extensive therapy. You can choose between a 12-week, 8-week and 6-week package, which include an initial consultation that provides a comprehensive overview and subsequent brief consultations once a week.

Initial consultation price: 155 euros

The nutritional therapist will also help you establish a personal diet and lifestyle plan following a microbiome analysis, gene test, food intolerance test and other laboratory analyses.


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